Enchanted Garden Rose Arch

Enchanted Garden Rose Arch


Enchanted Garden Rose Arch


Discover the enchantment of the Enchanted Garden Rose Arch from EternalArches, Columbus’ premier florist for wedding flowers. Our meticulously designed arch features a lush array of garden roses, perfect for adding timeless elegance to your Ohio wedding or event. Shop now for bespoke floral elegance that transforms your special day into a scene straight out of a fairytale

Enchanted Garden Rose Arch

Product Description: The Enchanted Garden Rose Arch presents a timeless elegance for any event, creating an atmosphere of a secret garden in full bloom. This exquisite archway is carefully crafted with a symphony of roses in varying shades of blush, cream, and soft peach, nestled among lush green foliage. The flowers are selected for their fullness and intricate petal arrangements, reminiscent of a classic English garden. Positioned alongside a neatly covered table adorned with elegant candlesticks, this setting invites an air of sophistication and tranquility, making it an ideal choice for weddings, garden parties, and enchanting outdoor celebrations.

Features in Bullet Format:

  • Arch Design: A romantic, garden-inspired archway adorned with blush, cream, and soft peach roses.
  • Foliage: Dense green leaves and foliage, providing a rich backdrop to the delicate floral hues.
  • Rose Varieties: A curated selection of full-petal roses, chosen for their beauty and longevity.
  • Setting Enhancement: Complemented by a tastefully covered table and elegant candlesticks.
  • Versatility: Perfect for outdoor settings, garden parties, weddings, and other elegant events.
  • Aesthetic: Captures the essence of an English garden with a touch of whimsical charm.
  • Durability: Crafted with high-quality materials to withstand outdoor conditions.
  • Size: Proportioned to create a striking focal point without overwhelming the space.
  • Installation: Designed for easy assembly and disassembly.
  • Maintenance: Low-maintenance setup, requiring minimal care for lasting beauty.
  • Customization: Option to customize the floral selection to match event themes or preferences.


Enchanted Garden Rose Arch
Enchanted Garden Rose


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